Our QQI Certified courses

We offer QQI validated courses at level 8 (Principles of Art Therapy) and level 9 (MA Creative Psychotherapy and Play Therapy). Our QQI certified courses provide recognised academic awards and equip participants  with advanced professional skills and qualifications. Courses are suitable for a range of professionals including teachers, child care workers and social workers, so that they can provide therapeutic play experiences within their current professional role or move into a new career as a child and adolescent psychotherapist.

Our Masters programme is a four-year part time course that qualifies you as both a Play Therapist and Psychotherapist, and is fully recognised by professional bodies such as IAPTP and EAIP, while our Diploma in Creative Supervision is a one year course for those who wish to become qualified supervisors.  CTC is also a European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute following successful assessment by the European Association for Psychotherapy.