puppet play
Hi All,

I hope you had a lovely weekend. We have a few spaces remaining on Edel Lawlor’s puppet training tomorrow evening. This is an ideal opportunity to learn a bit about the magic of puppets from the most magical puppet lady I know!!

You can nab one of the final spaces here

Therapeutic Puppet Play with Edel Lawlor

Course Date: Tuesday 26th April 2022
Course Fee: €30
Session Time: 7:30-9pm

This short online course is an ideal opportunity for therapists, teachers, early years practitioners, family support workers, and other professionals working with children, to learn more about the therapeutic use of puppets. Parents and carers can join in the puppet fun too, the ideas can be adapted to use at home too so it really is suitable for all. This is an exciting workshop, packed full of practical tips and ideas, to aid adults in making therapeutic use of puppets in their work with children and young people.
This innovative training workshop will explore the mechanics of how puppets work therapeutically, explore storytelling with puppets as a therapeutic process, and model simple puppet designs. Participants will also learn effective puppet techniques to help bring puppets to life. You will leave energised and ready to use puppetry more dynamically in your work, confident about how puppetry can complement the work you are already doing, and full of fresh ideas ready to put into practice.
I hope you can join in on the puppet fun!!

Best wishes,

Check out our latest course dates

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