Principles of Art Therapy Certificate

The aim of the validated course is to develop an understanding of the main principles of Art Therapy and enhance personal and professional development through an experiential, creative process. For many this introduction may be a step towards training as a qualified Art Therapist, for others it may serve as CPD to enhance therapeutic skills or develop a more sympathetic understanding of the role of art and creativity in therapy, rehabilitation and development work. Each weekend students will participate in experiential workshops with qualified arts therapists. A variety of approaches to the process of Art Therapy will be introduced through workshops, lectures and seminars. The award is a 10 credit, Level 8 Certificate (note many other introductory courses do not have this important validation!). The course runs one weekend (Tuesday night and full day Sunday) per month for 8 months.

Crawford College of Art & Design (MTU) Award delivered by CTC
Leixlip based course starting again in January 2026

The Principles of Art Therapy Certificate (formerly Art Therapy Foundation Course) is a QQI Level 8 (10 credit) certificate comprising of two 5 credit assessed modules. This course provides an opportunity to explore Art Therapy within a group setting. Each module students will participate in experiential workshops with qualified arts therapists. A variety of approaches to the process of Art Therapy will be introduced through workshops, lectures and seminars.

For many this certificate course may be a step towards training as a qualified Art Therapist or Play Therapist; for others it may contribute to continuing professional development and serve to enhance understanding of the role of the arts in rehabilitation and development work.

  • During the course each Module is themed around a key principle of the art therapy process. Lectures will explore how the process can work in a range of contexts, and with clients of various ages, from Psychiatry, Probation, Palliative Care, Education, to Learning Disabilities. Topics vary from year to year.
  •  Experiential workshops, facilitated by qualified, registered arts therapists, will provide participants with experience of a range of different approaches to facilitating a group; directive, theme-based, non-directive, etc.
  •  Seminars offer opportunities to ask questions and discuss ideas with visiting and course tutors.
  •  Participants are required to complete a couple of written assignments and keep a personal journal throughout the course.
  •  A QQI level 8 Principles of Art Therapy Certificate (Special Purpose Award) is awarded on completion of the course.

The experiential nature of this course can be emotionally and psychologically challenging. The candidate’s previous life experiences will be explored at interview with this in mind. Applicants should be aware of this. Any concerns can be addressed at interview.

Provisional Course dates:
The course runs over 8 Modules between Jan and June 2026, Tuesday night from 7.15 – 9pm, and Sunday from 9.30 – 5.15. Please note that dates are still provisional.


Provisional Course Dates 2026

Tues 13th Jan 2026: Orientation

Module 1: Tues 27th Jan & Sun 1stFeb 2026

Module 2: Tues 24th Feb & Sun 1st Mar 2026

Module 3: Weds 18th & Sun 22nd March 2026

Module 4: Tues 7th & Sun 12th April 2026

Module 5: Tues 28tApril & Sun 3rd May 2026

Module 6: Tues 26th May & Sun 31st May 2026

Module 7: Tues 9th & Sun 14th June 2026

Module 8: Sun 28th June 2026


Course Schedule

Lectures take place online on the Tuesday before the associated experiential sessions on the Sunday.

Tuesday: 7.15pm– 9pm      Online Lecture

Sunday: 9.30 – 12                Experiential Workshop 1

12 – 1pm                               Lunch break

1pm – 3.30pm                     Experiential Workshop 2 

3.30 – 4pm                           Tidy up, Tea/Coffee Break 

4pm – 5.15pm                    Seminar, Feedback, Reflections

The cost is €1450 including registration and exam fees.(Payment plan options)

Course Location:

Our Lady’s Nativity Parish Centre, Old Hill, Leixlip, Co. Kildare

Free car Parking, and accessible by bus (66 & 66B) and train (Louisa Bridge Station)

Entry Criteria:
It is recommended that applicants have a level 7 award, or prior experience in community education, art, health or social sector work (including counselling and/or psychotherapy). Those with no formal qualifications or art experience will also be considered

Contact for future course dates.

Application Form (Fillable PDF)  Please download and type directly into the form. Please email the completed form to

Fee Payments: Please click HERE to make online payment of the €50 application fee. A non-refundable deposit of €500 is required to confirm acceptance of a place on this course.

Principles of Art Therapy Leaflet and Application Form